Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Overnight sleep will cause the decreasing of the capaility to concentrate.

Most people who like to do overnight sleep will have less concentrate rather than people who sleep normally, It has been proven by many researchers in the world. Most scientist have done such experiments and finally found that the quality and quantity of sleeping will affect also to the respirations and the oxygen. With less sleep, our brain will easily tired and it will affect the working capability.
People with less concentrate will difficult in remembering things, hard to memorize, and will have some problems in absorbing materials. with all that effects, it will also affect the education world, for ex : students will got bad marks because they can’t absorb materials from their teacher. Working world, for ex : employees will got fired if they can’t do their works (remembering things). And also the social world or civilization, for ex : people will found difficulty in memorizing names.

The Effects of Beer Drinking

As we know it, drinking alcohol have become one’s part of life. What people usually drink is, Beer. The thirst quencher also have it’s side effects. Beer and other alcohol have it’s side effects. What’s worse, the thing comes in long-term causing effects.
Beer can cause brain cell damage. When one’s drinking beer excessively, the brain cell are destructed, which it don’t regenerate or regrown and also damaging your nervous system. As you may say it, you’ve made your brain worthless. And in the long run, beer can make you have mental , problems. Such as, impaired judgement, verbal dissabillity (such as stuttering), and impaired motor skills. As you may said it, drinking makes you stupid. Even though we keep drinking it until we get big, flabby, beer belly, we do know, that drinking is bad for your health.

Name : Adimas Baskoro
Student ID : 1200961685

Heroin is bad for health

As we all know, heroin is dangerous for our body because it is highly addictive and contains dangerous chemicals. According to my source (http://kidshealth.org/kid/grow/drugs_alcohol/know_drugs_heroin.html) heroin is one of the most addictive drugs and by using it just once we could be addicted to it.It is often called horse, big H, 8 ball, caballo by drug addicts in US. Because most of heroin users share needles they could get hepatitis B and HIV. That is why we should stay away from heroin and other kinds of dangerous drugs.

Name : Krisnatama Putra
ID : 1200964056

The Bad Effects of Smoking

Cigarette is not only consist of nicotine and tar, but there are also others deadly components in it such as cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde, methanol, acetylene and ammonia. Cigarette also contains poisonous gases such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide. From that data we know that smoking is really bad for our health. Most of the cases, cigarette is the cause of lung and heart disease, emphysema and cancer. It also bad for our bones and skins. If we smoke regularly, sooner or later we will feel the bad impacts in our body. Example, when you play basketball, swimming or go to the gym, you will feel hard to breath and as the time goes by it can be worse. In the conclusion, avoiding cigarette is a great thing to do because we have to maintain and keep our body healthy.

Titania Fairuskha

Lack of Exercise

Nowadays, many people went for exercise in search for a better health and better stamina for the body. Because exercising is good for our body, we can be healthy by exercising, which means that at the old age we can get a few sickness. Unlike if we don't do exercise at the young age, then for sure at the old age we can get more sickness like a problem with our bones, lung cancer, you can also get heart disease. Lack of exercise also can cause as increased blood pressure, increased risk of diabetes, high cholesterol. S o that's why nowadays people are exercising more than the old days to get more health and tend to live longer because of their good health that they got from heir exercising.

Posted By: ™†WiRa†™


Nowadays, movie has influenced our life. Many genres of movies are made us addicted with the story, such as horror movie, action movie, and many more. That kind of movies is very well known today. Many movie mania usually spend their whole time just for sit on the sofa, watch the movie and prepare some snacks. But, the way people watch movie is not very good,why? Beside, your eyes will get minus, you ill be lazy people too. Then, the worst thing is you will get many sickness because you are not moving while you are watching the movie.
Remember, there is no restriction for watching movie. But, that kind of watching movie must be changed for your own good. So, you have your own choice to determine what kind of watching movie that is good for your health.

The increasing number of foreign players is a threat to English Football

With the number of foreign players in English football clubs increasing over the years, it can be worrying for the future of English football itself. This caused by the number of foreign players in the clubs that are now overlapping the number of England born players. While foreign players can also give some positive effects in English football, their presence in English football can stifle the potentials of those local born football players thus affecting England as a national team. As the FA’s authority, Sir Trevor Booking quoted saying on BBC news (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/6975955.stm) that, “the growing number of foreign players in the Premier League is depriving domestic talent of first-team football and that is having a detrimental effect on England's chances of challenging at major tournaments.” The FA and FIFA would have to consider this issue more seriously, foreign players in English football clubs can be acceptable as long as they employ at least the same amount of local players in the squad.

Adisty Mediani

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution has harm effects on human’s health and earth.As a result of noise pollution is the reduction of usable habitat, which led to extincion of endangered species. Due to noise pollution, it killed certain species of beached whales. Furthermore, as a matter of fact, noise pollution causes annoyance and aggression,hypertension,high stress levels,tinnitus, and sleep disturbances on people. A study in 2005 by Spanish researchers found that in urban areas households are willing to pay approximately four Euros per decibel per year for noise reduction. Another consequences of high noise level pollution are an increase in blood pressure, creates coronary artery disease, and even hearing loss. For example,Maaban tribesmen, who were insignificantly exposed to transportation or industrial noise, to a typical U.S. population showed that chronic exposure to moderately high levels of environmental noise contributes to hearing loss (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_pollution#Human_health_effects). The evidences above suggest that noise pollution has become dangerous problem both for earth’s environment and humans.

High oil price drive american auto manufacturer enter the new era

In the past few years, oil and gas price had increased very dramatically. Not only are the developing-country suffering of this situation, but also the industrialized-country. As the most powerful 'First World Nation', the united states is one of the example how the increasing oil price can affect one of its most important industry : The automotive industry.
The US car manufacturer is well-known for its least-efficient-fuel-car on the planet. While its competitors, the european and japan-based auto manufacturer, have made their efficient-fuel-car for years. So, while the oil prices are getting higher than ever, the market consider to buy the more efficient car. It means they are buying the european and japanese car. As the Detroit' car-based manufacturer losing their market share, then they are become more realistic. They have to stick with the business. They reduce the production of the big cars, and focus more on the small cars, with the more efficient fuel consumption. While some things never change, the US car manufacturer have to change their perspectives on developing their products to compete in this new trend.

Name : Yamani
Student ID : 1200963835


Nowadays,the need of information are getting higher and higher. To maintain this problem,a lot of people think very hard day by day and night by night. They finally found the internet that can be used by a lot of people to share data, information, news, etc. We know that with using internet, we can learn, see, doing a transaction without need to go outside home. So, with internet we can save our time and do any activity easier.

Advertisement Effect

              Nowadays,there are so many advertisement on the TV.The advertisement usually go on for a long time and the duration of the advertisement might be even longer than the duration on the main program on the TV.As the result,many people start to complain because of it and decided to find a new hobby instead of watching television.The other effect of the advertisement on television is the advertisement try to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beers,soft drinks,candies,and chips.This cause people start to spend money for things they do not really need.Finally,advertisement play role in what programs people watch.That is because they are lots of advertisement in popular programs that a lot of people watch.As a result , some programs which are not so popular get stopped because they don't attract enough advertisement even though those programs may be someone's favorite.Due to the some bad effect that is created by advertisement , we should be more critical when watching some advertisement on television.

Name: Michael Christian
ID      : 1200962605

Radiation from cell phone

Cell phones has a big impact for brain damage. Today, a lot of people have depended on cell phones. In every activity people uses cell phones to communicate, do business transactions, etc. However, studies stated that cell phones will cause brain damage if users talk on the cellular phones for a long duration. The transmission from cell phone affects radiation which absorbs by our brain and that could affect to a brain cancer. Therefore, cell phones have a big effect for brain, cell phone users should minimum use for talking on their phone.

Name: Adithyas Hartawan S.

Student ID: 1200962315

Public transportations fare rise high in Lebaran period

Public transportations fare rise high in Lebaran period. There are many reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing number of public transportations users when Lebaran occurs. Public transportations become favorite choices for “mudik”, because of this high demand, public transportations providers react by increasing the transportations fare to achieve more profit for the company. Second, most people still paying more for “mudik” and meeting their families at hometown even the fare is higher than usual. This reason makes public transportations providers have no more doubt to increase their services fare in Lebaran period. Finally, the raise in public transportations fare are also affected by the numbers of ticket scalpers which increase the fare higher than the normal fare. These ticket scalpers usually buy the ticket before it runs out then sell it to people in higher price because no more tickets available. After all, the fare rise is definitely undeniable and we can`t do anything about it.

Smoking Can Make You Impotent

Smokers have greater possibilities to develop impotence than non-smokers. This is caused by atherosclerosis that reduces blood supply to the penis. Even without atherosclerosis, smoking can lead your blood vessels to constrict temporarily, which also reduces blood flow to penis. A source from "http://www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/indexmh/tobacco-warnings-factsheets-impotent" states that an international study, which grouped impotent smokers according to how many cigarettes they smoked each day, found:

* heavy smokers (40+ cigarettes/day) had the "softest" night-time erections;
* smoking was related to an abnormal decline of blood pressure in the penis.

However, it is still possible to recover your ability to grow up your penis. You just need to stop smoking as soon as possible. In short, it will be very good for your health if you never ever try to smoke even though you become an adult.

Name : Nur Bintang Abu Sofyan
Student ID : 1200962145

Education is important for children

Education is important for children. Children need education to develop their mind, knowledge and skill. Children need education because later it will help them survive in the world. With better education, they can get better salary and better job. Due the importance of the education for children, now many parents enroll their children to attend a pre school class. That shows that parents already realize the importance of education.

Air pollution

Too much air pollution will endanger our lives. Air pollution such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and many other harmful gases affect our health, may kill or cause negative impacts on living things and will corrode away buildings and other materials in times. Some of these gases deplete the ozone layer which arises the global warming. As temperature increases, glaciers and ices are melting which may lead to natural disasters, loss of habitats for certain species and extinction of species. A source from (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution) states that 2.4 million people die each year due to air pollution. In brief, air pollution has caused great disadvantages and we have to wisely prevent too much of air pollution.

Name:Stacy Muljati

Too much fastfod can make our health at risk

Too much fastfood can make our health at risk. Eating too much fastfood and only doing little exercise can harm the liver. A source from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080217222513.htm states that eating too much fastfood can make the fat level in our liver increase, increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. People who eat too much fastfood usually have a fat body shape. Eating fastfood can result in rapid increase in weight and fat level in our body. Eating too much fastfood not only can cause harmness to our liver but can also increase the risk of heart attack (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0815/is_3_30/ai_n13246425). In order to maintain a good health in the future, we must have a good diet and doing enough exercises.

Explosion of nuclear power plant can result a fatal impact on the environment.

Explosion of nuclear power plant can result a fatal impact on the environment. The ecosystem will be destroyed; the air will contaminate everyone who breathes it. The land will not be able to contain population because many radioactive places. We can see from an explosion near Pripyat that called the Chernobyl disaster, results from the explosion in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_accident). This explosion contaminate Chernobyl, and other large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia; resulting evacuation and resettlement of over 336000 peoples. This explosion sent highly radioactive fallout four hundred times more fallout than atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Unmonitored nuclear reactor can result a very dangerous explosion. Therefore, we must prevent explosion of nuclear power plants by monitoring closely their nuclear reactor.

Ega Sanuya Tanzil

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cell phone

Topic : Cell phone
Topic Sentences :
1. Using cell phone while driving can be very dangerous
2. While using cell phone, there are some rules or manners
3. cell phone can also affect the learning process (in school or college)
4. cell phone also change the way we communicate

Cell phone as we know is very important stuff nowadays. But people sometimes don't realize that it also can be a dangerous thing. Using cell phone while driving for example is very dangerous, because we will divide our concentration while driving and talking or communicating. more and more people in the world suffer from car accident because they are using their cell phone while driving.

There are some manners or rules while using cell phone for example you are not allowed to turn on or use your cell phone when you are at the hospital or at the petrol station, because it will disturb the function of the hospital equipment, and the radiation from your cell phone will affect to the gasoline and it is possible that it will blow them up. We are also not allowed to speak in a loud voice in the public because other people may be disturbed.

Cell phone can also affect the learning process, in deed people usually use their cell phone in the class, when their lecturer or teacher is boring. Or they would prefer to communicate with their friends rather than listening to the lecturer.in long period or term, it will slowly but sure affect the score or grade or mark of the student.

Cell phone also change the way people ommunicate nowadays. people used to communicate by mailing or in traditional way, but today there are short message service where it is easier to use rather than mailing. it also fast and not as expensive as mailing. so people seems to forgotten the old way and turn into the new way.


Doing Quick Exercise can Make Body Fresh and Repair Your Mood

Everybody knows that doing exercise is good for your health, especially for your heart. Many people says that we should exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Recently, there was a research that involved 14 college students of age between 20-26 which shows that doing exercise for at least 30 minutes doesn’t change their moods. Before the research, those college students were checked about their moods and their blood pressures.

So the researchers asked them to exercise at least 10 minutes per day for 1 month. After that the researchers checked their heart beats, blood pressures and weights. The research shows that there is a significant progress to their bad moods and tired feelings. It turns out that 10 minutes exercise can repair your mood and release your tired feeling. It can’t change their anger and depression but at least those feelings have decreased.

In the conslusion, the researchers sure that doing exercise for at least 10 minutes is enough to increase a person’s energy, decrease the tired feeling and repair a bad mood.

Name : Titania Fairuskha

Student ID : 1200964163

Facebook as a Popular Culture

Facebook, a popular social website, have made a hit through out the world. As you can see now, Facebook can break the barrier of social classes. From Kids to Teenagers, White collar to Blue Collar, even Soccer Moms to Cougars. Facebook been such a cult, even  people can spend the day in front of their computers, monitoring people status, commenting and tagging pictures, or just simply to chat with people online. As the empire grows up, we can say that they immolate other social websites, such as Friendster and MySpace. As quoted from GQ Magazine, Mark Zuckerberg have claimed that in the near future, Facebook will be seen as empire like MTV, because of the positive feedback. Now can see that, Facebook have been an impact on popular culture for the time being.

Name : Adimas Baskoro
Student ID : 1200961685


If you think sleep is just resting your body, you’re definitely wrong. There are a few numbers of the function of sleep. Researchers have shown that sleep is really affect your health. I will explain two kind of things how sleep affects our health. First of all, sleep affect our body ability to heal wounds. A study conducted by Gumustekin et al shows that sleep deprivation hindering the healing of burns on rats.

Sleep deprivation also affects immune system. If you have enough sleep everyday, which means around 7-8 hours a day for adult, you will be less risky to get sick. The next one is hairloss. Even a lot of study shows that hairloss is happened because of genetics and smoking habit, there is evidence shows that lack of sleep cause hairloss. When you sleep, the oxygen that run in your blood is stable. But as we stay awake too long, then it will suck more air for us to breath. When it happen, then the blood circulation is not running well, especially the head’s blood circulation. Then it will affect the growth of the hair.

In brief, sleep is not just resting your body but it is an important phase for your health.

Name: Yamani

Student ID: 1200963835


Children are familiar with comic. They often read comic during their leisure time to refresh their mind after study. They often think that comic can bring fun, laugh, and happiness to their life. But parents have to accompany them when they are choosing comic to buy because some comics are not suitable for young ages. Some comics sometimes show some adults or violence contents. This is a serious matter that underage children can be affected by these unsuitable readings that later can affect their behaviour. For example : they can shout to their parent “shut your mouth” because they often read it on the comic, or maybe they will fight with their friend because they are influenced by what they have seen in the comic . Thus, to some extent, reading comic could be a relaxing activity to release stress, but somehow we have to be careful about its content.

Name : Aloysius Eric
Id : 1200961571

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mobile Messenger

Today the use of mobile messenger on mobile phones is becoming more popular because it is more economical than the SMS. The average SMS rates in Indonesia is approximately Rp. 100,00/SMS, this is very expensive compared to GPRS rates for all operators in Indonesia according to (http://www.teknolagi.com/2008/08/01/perbandingan-tarif-gprs-ritel/). With a thousand rupiah we can send more information compared to SMS. The biggest downside in using mobile messenger is lesser battery life because activating GPRS or 3G consumes a lot of electricity. The bottom line is although it is more energy consuming, the use of mobile messenger is more effective and cheaper.

Name : Krisnatama Putra
ID : 1200964056

The Disadvantages of Using Internet for Students

                             Nowadays, the internet has become a first priority in a human,s life.Furthermore, in the last few years , internet has undergone great significant development.The internet has provided us with many advantages but on the other hand , it has also created some problems and disadvantages as well especially for students.According to http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2006/4/25/14412/6440, internet is a system of connected computers that allows computer users around the world to exchange information.
                              Many high school students use the internet to provide them with the information they need to do their homework.It is actually not good because by using internet frequently , students will gradually start to lose their ability to think critically and become too much dependable to the internet.As we know,not all the information that we get from the internet are true.Some of the information might be wrong so students should think critically and make their own perception rather than copying all the information from the internet.In addition,students should put a lot of effort in doing their homework by themselves so that they could improve their critical thinking which is a very important thing at the university level.
                              In conclusion , the internet doesn't always give students advantages but also disadvantages as well.Therefore,everybody should consider this matter.It all depends on the students itself to think cleverly if they want to use the internet services.It is expected that in the future all students would use internet services with more efficiently.

Name : Michael Christian
ID       : 1200962605


Children are familiar with comic. They often read comic during their leisure time to refresh their mind after study. They often think that comic can bring fun, laugh, and happiness to their life. But parents have to accompany them when they are choosing comic to buy because some comics are not suitable for young ages. Some comics sometimes show some adults or violence contents. This is a serious matter that underage children can be affected by these unsuitable readings that later can affect their behaviour. For example : they can shout to their parent “shut your mouth” because they often read it on the comic, or maybe they will fight with their friend because they are influenced by what they have seen in the comic . Thus, to some extent, reading comic could be a relaxing activity to release stress, but somehow we have to be careful about its content.

Name : Aloysius Eric
Id : 1200961571

Alcoholic Beverage

An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol, although in chemistry the definition of alcohol includes many other compounds. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits.

Ethanol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. Most countries restrict and regulate its sale and consumption; for example, they place legal drinking-age restrictions upon the sale of alcoholic drinks to young people. The manufacture and consumption of alcohol occurs in most cultures and societies of the world, from hunter-gatherer peoples to nation-states. The drinking of alcoholic beverages is very often an important part of social events in such societies, and it can be an important aspect of a community’s culture.

Ethanol is only slightly toxic compared to other alcohols, but has significant psychoactive effects. A significant blood alcohol content may be considered legal drunkenness as it reduces attention and slows reaction speed. Alcoholic beverages can be addictive and the state of addiction to ethanol is known as alcoholism

Name: Wira Seddarassan



Smoking has become the greatest reason for death in the world. Statistic on http://www. nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tutorials/smokingthefacts/hp099203.pdf shows that half a million deaths per year in United States are due to smoking and http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_10_2x_Questions_About_Smoking_Tobacco_and_Health.asp shows that smoking can kill about 650 million people in one day in the world. Diseases like cancers, strokes and many other diseases related to smoking have caused deaths. Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals which all are harmful and some are addictive. Research has found that even smoking as few as 1 to 4 cigarettes a day can lead to serious health outcomes. The longer and more one uses cigarettes, chance of death in young age will increase.

Name:Stacy Muljati



Smoking has become the greatest reason for death in the world. Statistic on http://www. nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tutorials/smokingthefacts/hp099203.pdf shows that half a million deaths per year in United States are due to smoking and http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_10_2x_Questions_About_Smoking_Tobacco_and_Health.asp shows that smoking can kill about 650 million people in one day in the world. Diseases like cancers, strokes and many other diseases related to smoking have caused deaths. Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals which all are harmful and some are addictive. Research has found that even smoking as few as 1 to 4 cigarettes a day can lead to serious health outcomes. The longer and more one uses cigarettes, chance of death in young age will increase.

Scuba Diving Can Increase Awareness on Ocean Conservation

By being a Scuba Diver, you have the privilege to explore the 70 percent of the natural world that is water. That can be the vast oceans, rivers, lakes, creeks. Therefore by being a diver you have automatically become the underwater world’s ambassador, because when you dive you see what is going on in our oceans and inevitably see the changes that are happening in oceans across the globe. There are many factors which affects the changing of our ocean, of the coral reefs more specifically. There’s global warming- that causes coral bleaching, overfishing, destructive fishing practices, pollution, discarded fish nets, coastal developments. Many people aren’t aware of this because they can not see what happens or the changes underwater, but scuba divers can.
An example of how scuba divers can have a great influence in ocean conservation can be noted in today’s many popular dive spots one of which is Raja Ampat, its waters are home to a staggering variety of marine life and has considerably the richest marine diversity in the world. One of Raja Ampat's websites (http://www.rajaampat.org/) shows a survey conducted by The Nature Conservancy has confirmed that Raja Ampat has got 537 corals species –which is 75 percent of all the corals known- and 1,074 fish species. A few years ago the fish and coral reefs in this area were overexploited by either overfishing by fishnets, or using explosions on the coral reefs. But as Raja Ampat grows more and more popular among scuba divers around the world as one of- if not, the best dive spots in the world, the awareness for conservation has also been increasing rapidly. This shows how scuba diving can raise awareness for Ocean Conservation. As what Baba Dioum, a well known Senegalese conservationist said, “In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.”

Name: Adisty Mediani
ID: 1200962271


Although some people think exercising not necessary to do, in fact, exercising has positive benefits for human’s health. For example, research study in USA showed that taking brisk walk in 30 minutes can help build strong muscles , joints, and bones. Moreover two hours a week of moderate exercise like cycling, playing tennis, or running may reduce the risk of getting cancer and diabetes by 60 percent. Not only exercising revive our body in a fit condition, but also it causes the body to release endorphins which are chemicals that created happy and peaceful feeling on us. In addition, people who exercising routinely have a good self esteem. According to Peter Kokkinos, director of the exercise testing and research lab in the cardiology department of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington, D.C “As you increase your ability to exercise-increase your fitness-you are decreasing in a step-wise fashion the risk of death”( http://health.msn.com/fitness/mens-fitness/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100188759). The evidences above suggest that exercising give tremendous effects both for our physical and mental too.

Name : Clarissa
Student ID : 1200962302

The effect of part-time job for student at school

Student should not work while they are going to school. They should concentrate on their school rather than working on a part-time job. There are several reasons for this; Academic Studies and Social. First of all are academic studies that student would be tired from working and they won’t have time to study for their exams, the effect that they will fail exams and could stay a year. Another factor is that student won’t have time to socialize with their friend at school. The effect that they won’t have any friends, it would be hard to find a friends at a part-time job. Therefore, for all the reasons above student should not take a part-time job. They have to focus on their academic studies and keep socializing with their friends.

Name: Adithyas Hartawan Soeharto

Student ID: 1200962315

Eid ul-Fitr

Eid ul-Fitr (usuallly called as "Lebaran" in Indonesia) is the perfect moment to forgive someone. In the Eid ul-Fitr day, people tends to come back to their hometown to meet their relatives. This moment will be the perfect moment to forgive each others mistakes in the previous year. By meeting face-to-face to your relatives, Eid ul-Fitr moment also preserve a good relationship within your family. The joyful moment at Eid ul-Fitr also makes people easily forgets someones mistakes in the past thus making its the perfect moment to forgive people. For example, if we had bad relationship with our family in past, at Eid ul-Fitr day, we can meet them in person, talk to them and ask forgiveness to them, because of the joyful aura that Eid ul-Fitr day brings, they can easily forget our mistakes and forgiving us. In conclusion, Eid ul-Fitr day is the perfect moment to forgive someone mistakes.

The Benefit of Using Laptop

Laptop, a portable personal computer, is very useful and beneficial for two reasons. First of all, laptop is easy to be brought. For example, if you have some tasks that must be done but you have to go somewhere for another reason, laptop makes it possible for you to do the task while you can not do the task in home because of that reason. Another factor is you can get cheap wireless LAN device built in the laptop. Most of the laptop have wireless LAN device that planted to its components. This is cheaper than if you buy wireless LAN device for your desktop PC. In short, it will be very advantageous for you if you have a laptop.

Name : Nur Bintang Abu Sofyan
Student ID : 1200962145

Violence in Movie is not for children. Agree or Disagree?

Nowadays, so many genres of movies that we can watch. Sometimes we sentimentalize because of the movie, whether it is a violence scene. But, how if the children watch a violence in movies? Violence in the movies should have strict regulation because it has negative effects on the behavior of children. I absolutely agree that the violence in movies is not for children. I have three reasons to strongly support my opinion.
First, Children do not know how to differentiate the reality and movie. Children learn from what they see, even if it's on the big screen. Also if children following what they have seen, children won’t understand what the children do is endanger people. For example, If children watch Power Rangers, they may choose one of his favorite hero and the children will do what their hero did in the movie, children do not care whether it is dangerous or not.
Second, children will be trauma if they watch violence in movie too much. Children do not know that the violence in the movies is fake, such as fight, war, assassination, etc. Then, if the children is shocked with what they have watched in movie, they will be feel scared to imagine that the same case will happening in his real life. If that happening, it will disrupt the children growth.
The last reason, the violence movies will change the children social life. In some cases, children who watch violence movies will change they social life whether automatically or manually. For example, children will be more keep silent and keep far from the crowded. Then in the other case, children will be very hyper active or become a very dangerous in the future.
So, children shouldn’t watch the movie that containing a violence. Not only the children’s life will disturbed but also the children’s social life. Therefore, keep your children from the violence movie and explain the children about what the children have seen. Children future is in your hand.

People are Lazier to Read a Book

Nowadays, the use of internet technology has make human lazier to read a book. Most of us like and tend to search information via internet better than reading book page by page. There are many factors those make human lazier to read book such as:
The size of a book which is not compatible to bring
Only the visual aspect is involved
Book is easily damaged
Putu Laxman Sanjaya Pendit, Ph.D, researcher in the information & library of University of Indonesia said that now, in our time, students are more likely to brows and search information through the net, because in internet, there are some variations of learning, although in the reality there are almost the same either if we learn from a book or from internet. (
http://www.stikom.edu/v8/main.php?act=gen&goto=internal&id=531). As a result, we can see that in the statistic, the number of internet user in the world, especially in Asia is increasing 240.7% from 2000 to 2007.(http://www.pengadilan.net/content/view/23/26/). So, from the sentences above, I conclude that from now on, we, human prefer browsing and surfing through the internet to read a book for searching information.

Playing Games

Today, many people play games to relieve their stresses, find new friends, improve their imaginations, having fun, etc. There are some parties who don’t agree with the statement above. They only think that playing games can give you bad grades/ marks at school, bad social life, bad health, etc. However, this is not true. Douglas Gentile, an assistant professor of psychology and one of the country's top researchers on the effects of media on children said that video games together with his father who is a leading researcher on effective teaching and a distinguished teaching professor emeritus of educational psychology at the University of Buffalo, State University of New York said that playing violent video games (the worst type of video game) teaches aggression and motivate gamers to master skills that are required to solve difficult problems and cope with the developing environment. East California University states that playing casual games is a good way to relieve stresses and tensions. A source from http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro02/web3/mschlimme.html states that playing video games can make a person become more aggressive but not always in violent matters. He/she can become more involved in the social world and engage communications with other people. The source also states that playing video games can motivate a person to solve a complex problem by improving his/her imagination. Playing games is not always negative; many people have started to realize the benefit of playing games.

Electronic Sport Competitions

Electronic sport competitions are becoming more anticipated in the world. Electronic sport competitions become more anticipated because of the increasingly developed gaming, professional contracts, bigger price money, and more competition in the online cyber game world. Statistics have shown that number of player vastly increase between a year in an electronic sport competition, World Cyber Games (WCG). Source from (http://www.rediff.com/search/2003/sep/11wcg.htm) tells us that WCG competition in India is increasing rapidly between a years, from 7000 participants 1 year before the competition to 30000 participants competing for $350,000. Electronic sport competitions will likely have more impact on the cyber world in the future.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your blog....let's use it!
