Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Doing Quick Exercise can Make Body Fresh and Repair Your Mood

Everybody knows that doing exercise is good for your health, especially for your heart. Many people says that we should exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Recently, there was a research that involved 14 college students of age between 20-26 which shows that doing exercise for at least 30 minutes doesn’t change their moods. Before the research, those college students were checked about their moods and their blood pressures.

So the researchers asked them to exercise at least 10 minutes per day for 1 month. After that the researchers checked their heart beats, blood pressures and weights. The research shows that there is a significant progress to their bad moods and tired feelings. It turns out that 10 minutes exercise can repair your mood and release your tired feeling. It can’t change their anger and depression but at least those feelings have decreased.

In the conslusion, the researchers sure that doing exercise for at least 10 minutes is enough to increase a person’s energy, decrease the tired feeling and repair a bad mood.

Name : Titania Fairuskha

Student ID : 1200964163

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good work. See comments on the cellphone entry; most apply here as well. PG