Monday, September 22, 2008

Smoking Can Make You Impotent

Smokers have greater possibilities to develop impotence than non-smokers. This is caused by atherosclerosis that reduces blood supply to the penis. Even without atherosclerosis, smoking can lead your blood vessels to constrict temporarily, which also reduces blood flow to penis. A source from "" states that an international study, which grouped impotent smokers according to how many cigarettes they smoked each day, found:

* heavy smokers (40+ cigarettes/day) had the "softest" night-time erections;
* smoking was related to an abnormal decline of blood pressure in the penis.

However, it is still possible to recover your ability to grow up your penis. You just need to stop smoking as soon as possible. In short, it will be very good for your health if you never ever try to smoke even though you become an adult.

Name : Nur Bintang Abu Sofyan
Student ID : 1200962145


Yammoney said...
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Yammoney said...

nur bintang,the topic is very mantap.